Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Is Early Retirement A Fantasy?

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by Cindy Heller

When life or working conditions become difficult, many people fantasize about early retirement as a form of escape. Early retirement can be a reality if you have taken steps early enough to prepare for this. If you have the foresight and the discipline to set aside savings from your employment income and invested them wisely, perhaps you stand a good chance to do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it. For people who enjoy their work, mandatory requirement to retire at a certain age may not be looked forward to. They dread the day when they will need to stop going to work as part of a regular routine, fraternizing with their colleagues and basically keeping themselves productively occupied. Another group of people are content with their previous life stage as employees and look forward to transitioning to their next stage of retirement. In summary, different people take to retirement in different ways.

A minority of people start saving for their retirement from their first paycheck. Many people do not start saving for retirement until it is a little too late. Those who started early with saving and investing for retirement, usually can look forward to comfortable retirement. For those who are unprepared, they may survive their retirement out of sheer luck - inheritance from parents who may have passed away or funds from an insurance payout due to the early death of one's spouse. For everyone else who is unprepared, life will be pretty hard during their retirement. They will have to severely limit their choices in terms of quality of accommodation, activities like travel and potentially even the types of food consumed.

Do Not Daydream About Your Retirement; Prepare For It

If you wish to enjoy the flexibility to do whatever you wish upon your retirement, you need to prepare for it by saving and investing wisely according to a financial plan. You can choose to wake up whenever you wish. You may decide to spend time with your friends and neighbors. You can spend time with your grandchildren and watch them grow up. You may wish to work in the garden or take long naps. You can catch up on your favorite TV programs or movies. In fact, your leisure choices are limitless. The key proviso is that you have the financial means to do so. So put in place a retirement plan as early as possible.

There are some who dread retirement, since they miss the sense of order in their day from employment. They do not have any particular hobbies or interests. They may not socialize easily. They just do not know what to do with themselves with all the time they have from retirement. Some of them may take on another job post-retirement. A job that may not demand much in terms of skills or physical strength. These people are contented to work as long as they can and do not look forward to their retirement.

Retirement Jobs Are Increasingly Becoming Available

The issue of retirement jobs may seem really odd to some, but the reality is that not everyone can afford to retire. In developed countries, the two issues of a shrinking population arising from fewer babies being born and an ageing population living beyond the previous lifespan estimates have meant that retirees who need jobs can usually find them. Since more people can expect to live longer, they need to take this extended longevity into their retirement financial planning. For some this may be a little too late, so they will grudgingly have to consider working longer. Many governments around the world have been systematically raising the mandatory retirement age over the last few decades.

Opportunities For Retirement Jobs In Consulting

Many professionals today can develop new careers in retirement by offering their services as consultants in the fields in which they have expertise and from which they retired. This allows them to stay in the workforce without the pressures of day to day job demands. Most will work on a part time basis and others will work as contractors, working only when there is work, leaving plenty of time for hobbies and other interests.

Those lucky enough to have lucrative part-time consulting retirement jobs have the luxury of working productively for short durations at a time, while having the flexibility to spend the rest of their time on other activities like hobbies and social service. Many retirees who elect to work usually do so with a strong work ethic. Businesses may benefit substantially from offering these charged-up, motivated and active retirees.

There is a great span of retirement jobs available for the retiree who is seeking suitable work. Some may be simple and undemanding work at retail stores like fast food joints and cafes right up to high-end consultancy positions. If retirement jobs give retirees some sense of purpose along with other tangible benefits, then society at large benefits too. National welfare systems do not end up being over-burdened.

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit Retirement Sentiments to learn more about writing letter of retirement and social security retirement.

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