Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What Is Required For Indoor Bonsai Care?


The term Bonsai is used for the description of a number of trees that have the capability of being miniaturized. To create little trees, trees, repeated pruning of the crown and roots is necessary. It is also essential to confine the plant to a reasonably small pot or container. Bonsai trees were first created in ancient China; and, the practice spread to Japan and, eventually, to other locations in the world. This is a method of turning out plants that are small but would normally grow quite large. The final product is a tree that looks old but really isn’t, at first.

Indoor Bonsai Care is Often Necessary

For successful indoor bonsai care, they will need to live in an environment similar to their origins. This means that plants from the tropics or subtropics will probably not survive outside during the harsh and freezing winter months. It is imperative to be fully aware of the plants’ needs prior to bringing them inside your home or office. Following are some critical tips for optimal indoor Bonsai care.

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It is necessary to mimic the sunlight these trees are used to when they are outside. This can be accomplished by providing natural and artificial lighting. Although all plants need some amount of sunlight, there are some trees that do not require very much light. Consequently, you need to know just what variety of plant you have to work with. To get some light, bonsai can be placed near a window; but, this is not going to be the complete answer, because this may not yield enough light for some varieties of bonsai. As an alternative or supplement, lighting that comes from fluorescent lamps can provide adequate indoor bonsai care for at least twelve hours a day.

Species which are miniaturized into bonsai and come from colder regions will require more indoor bonsai care than tropical species that do not need as much care. Because tropical forms of vegetation are used to humid temperatures, they can usually live with our house temperatures, even in the colder months. However, to thrive successfully, tropical bonsai trees will need a humid environment.

For the best indoor Bonsai care, you should not place a tropical bonsai tree near a window during a cold night, even if the window remains shut. Moreover, in the winter months, you should keep the bonsai away from radiators or heating vents and continually mist the leaves to produce the effect of humidity. It is also a good idea to place the bonsai container on a water-filled tray with small pebbles. The pebbles will protect the bonsai from getting wet and the water will evaporate through the branches, yielding much-needed humidity.

For even the most caring bonsai hobbyist indoor bonsai care can become tiresome, since the bonsai does best if it is taken outside when the weather is good. Due to business events and work schedules, some bonsai hobbyists may simply forget to tend their trees properly. These plants are not normally supposed to live indoors; but, if doing so is a must for their survival, then good indoor bonsai care can be accomplished by following the aforementioned tips.

Herb Daniels is an amateur gardener living on the East Coast of Florida puttering around in his garden as time and weather allows. Herb has a web site where he posts a few articles and other information about Indoor Bonsai Care

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