by Tina Gold
One of the great benefits with small scale model trains is that they can be of a size that suits your home and you should decide on one of the various scales that is appropriate for the area you are able to use A model railroad will not need frequent attention so you can leave it alone instantly available when you have the time to do some work on it
The most popular areas to build your model railroad are in the basement or the loft area If you can, design it in a way that will not interfere with other users of the area you have chosen We should try to have a layout that does not have to be moved and is capable of being used at a moments notice so you should try to build your layout to avoid being in the way of anybody passing through the area you have selected
If you decide to use your basement then you must make sure that there is no problem with damp Water is the enemy of model trains and the dampness or moisture will be the only real problem that will cause deterioration and damage to your trains and the electrical equipment used to control them along with the materials used to make the model railroad layout
When considering loft areas you should remember that they get uncomfortably hot during the summer so if you want to work with your model trains during the day it will be a good thing to insulate under your roof tiles to reduce the temperature in the summer Another advantage of doing this is that of keeping the area warmer in the winter months when the temperature can plummet up in the loft The model trains themselves should be ok and remain unaffected by either heat or cold so this is entirely about making it more comfortable for you to work with your model trains and your railroad layout
The materials you choose to make your model railroad should avoid any that will not last for years There are few things as disappointing as spending ages building your layout to then find parts of it have rotted or crumbled over time Avoid anything that will be attractive to small animals or insects Never use any edible materials as this could attract mice or insects which would eat their way through your model railroad construction.
Another very important point to be aware of is any risk of fire you must ensure you keep an escape route clear to get away from your model train layout area in the event of a fire or any other emergency and make sure you do not block any exits with sections of the layout or materials you are using Model railroading is a wonderful hobby so keep it as a safe hobby
To maintain contact with your family an intercom system between maybe the kitchen and your model train layout area is useful and it enables you to request a coffee if your partner is very willing
A model railroad is a really great way to spend your time at any time of the year but the planning before you build and considering the implications of where you build it will enable you to enjoy working on and running the layout in comfort and safety at any time of the year
Tina Gold often writes on the subject of crafts and hobbies. She has been a model railroad enthusiast since childhood and tries to keep her model trains out of the way of the rest of the family. To read more visit Model Trains
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