Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Scrapbook Layout

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by Ken Glauser

Scrapbooking is one of the most ancient methods of preservation of memory in the form of information. Now obviously ancient man didn't have things like cameras or paper but if you think of it, the drawings on cave walls are just early scrapbooks. Today's scrapbooks are made of paper, photos, printed media, text etc. In ancient times it was a rock wall and a primitive chisel. But both forms are still doing the same thing: telling a story. Scrapbooking as an art form is practiced by all ages, both male and female. It is becoming quite popular now that it can be done on a computer. It develops creativity in all its followers. When you finish a project, you are proud to show off your creative skills. With more and more experience with scrapbooking your creativity skills will be enhanced.

Useful Tips for Scrapbook Layouts.

Every scrapbook is a visual medium of the experiences faced in life. How those things are presented is up to the producer. A scrapbook isn't just a photo album with stickers. It is a story telling medium for future generations.

Colors and combinations are the first thing the user should keep in mind. A proper layout should enhance and look good with the main photos. The focal point of the scrapbook should be chosen by designating the main photo. The main photo should be the center of attraction for the scrapbook. Really after you have designated the main photo, all the remaining items should relate to the photo. This includes stickers, borders, other photos etc. They are all there to enhance the main photo and tell the story.

In a group of three to five accents and small embellishments should be placed. These should complement the focal point, not take over from it.

Keep the related accents close to one another. This will increase the attractiveness of the project.

To improve the layout looks of the scrapbook, you could try triangle borders for the photos. Triangles draw attention to whatever is inside the triangle

In the multiple of two sessions should be created. Two or four sessions are created in general. However for more pleasing look three or five sessions should be created.

Each pages layout should be thought about in the terms of a grid. The grid is a third of the page both vertically and horizontally. In scrapbook terminology, this is called the "Rule of Thirds". It is an extremely important element to the layout. Three rows and three columns give a lot of choices for layouts. You can put three items across or down or diagonally. You could use all 9 cells however that may look a little cluttered if you are not careful.

To make a proper distribution for the layout, the size and complexity of the elements must be maintained. There must a balance in the sizes of the elements. This is especially important on individual pages.

The viewer of the scrapbook should feel the natural flow of the work. To do that, the producer must place the photos and clippings in a certain order. Correct placement of the photos can be very pleasing to the eyes. Use attractive photos that will add a spark to the project.

Once you have decided on a theme for your presentation, stick with it. Be consistent throughout the scrapbook layout. By repeating shapes, textures, sizes and color, the scrapbook layout will improve.

Been there, done that, scrapped a page about it.

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